The South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks (SDGFP) and South Dakota State University (SDSU) need your help in gathering information to plan for outdoor recreation opportunities across the state of South Dakota. You may be an active outdoors person or someone that cringes at the mere thought of outdoor recreation. Regardless of your time spent in the South Dakota outdoors or the outdoor activities you choose to participate in – we would like to hear from you. We invite you to participate in a survey to share your experiences and perspectives on outdoor recreation in South Dakota. Whether you recreate in your local community or county, in a state park, a national forest, a privately owned recreation facility or not at all, your voice is an important part of assisting your community in planning for the future.
Your participation in this research is voluntary. There is no penalty for refusal to participate, and you are free to withdraw your consent and participation in this project at any time. This online survey will take less than 20 minutes of your time. We respectfully request you fill out all sections of the survey. There are no known risks to your participation in the study. Your responses to the survey will be anonymous. You may start the survey, stop, and resume the survey at a later time. Also, your responses are strictly confidential. When the data and analysis are presented, you will not be linked to the data by your name, title or any other identifying item.
Upon full completion of the survey, all participants will have the chance to be entered into a random drawing for 100, $20 Amazon gift cards. If you wish to enter the drawing you will provide your email after fully completing the survey. We plan to do the random drawing around early April 2022.
Contacts: You may contact the researchers at the following address and phone number, should you desire to discuss your participation in the study and/or request information about the results of the study: Hung-Ling (Stella) Liu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Recreation Management, 407 Wager, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 57006,, (605) 688-6163 or Kiley Foss, Research Assistant,
If you have questions regarding your rights as a participant, you can contact the SDSU Research Compliance Coordinator at (605) 688-6975 or
Stella Liu, Assistant Professor in Recreation Management
Kiley Foss, Graduate Research Assistant
Megan Thompson, Graduate Research Assistant